Stop Wasting Money on Training by Employing Call Center Outsourcing

In most business processes, training has a fixed place. Mostly, it is carried out in the initial stages – either when the employees are new or a brand-new process is introduced. But, in the call center universe, trainings are perpetual in nature. There is always something new happening, and agents need to be kept in loop.

Five Reasons Your Customers Are Running Towards The Competition

If there’s one thing that keeps business owners up at night, it’s the the thought of losing your valuable customers to the competition.

Keeping your existing customer base while attracting new clients is the best way to grow your business, so how do prevent your customers from looking to greener pastures? There are a few key reasons why your customers are leaving.

You Have Not Embraced Technology To The Fullest

Today’s customers fully expect the white-glove service when it comes to their vendors of choice, and that means communicating with them through a number of different methods, including live chat and social media platforms.

If you are limiting the ways that your customers can interact with you, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice. Millennials especially expect to be able to interact with companies over a variety of different mediums. Step up your technology game and you’ll start to see serious results!

(v)WeCare reps are trained to communicate with customers on a number of different platforms like live chat and social media, as well as traditional phone calls. This flexibility takes our customer service to the next level!

Your Customer Service Is Weak

Speaking of customer service, if your reps aren’t trained properly you will lose customers. Your reps are the face of your company, and your customers’ interactions with them can leave a great impression or a terrible one!

Your reps need to be trained to be empathetic, patient and kind. They also need to be knowledgeable about all of the products you offer and empowered to make decisions. Bad customer service is easily the number one reason why your customers are heading towards the competition.

(v)WeCare reps get ongoing training and know that empathy is the best quality that a customer service rep can have. Our project managers are also trained on a number of different fronts, so escalations are dealt with in a swift and effective way.

You Don’t Have The Resources To Scale Properly

If you are a smaller operation, you might not logistically have the resources to be able to support rapidly scaling clients, which is why you should consider outsourcing to a company in the United State who can.

Clients who are in a growth spurt will require companies that can devote resources to their changing needs, plus be able to adapt quickly when asked to change direction. In order to fit the bill, your company needs to have a streamlined process that is built with flexibility in mind, plus trained reps who are up to speed on everything that’s going on.

(v)WeCare has a proven track record of scaling effectively with businesses, and our business model is conducive to companies that need to change direction or grow rapidly. We pride ourselves in being an integral partner to our clients’ growth!

Your Queue Times Are Far Too Long

Your customers do not have the patience or inclination to wait on hold for an extended period of time. We are used to instant gratification and long queue times are simply unacceptable in today’s accelerated world. Your customers will hang up- and immediately start looking for alternative vendors.

A big part of streamlining your customer service experience is cutting back on your queue times. At (v)WeCare, we train our reps to try to handle any customer issues within one call. If that’s not possible, they expedite the process as much as possible by relying on project managers who are trained on multiple fronts. Our customers know that they are our number one priority and that we value their time!

You’re Falling Short On A Critical Issue

Sometimes customers look for other vendors because their needs aren’t being met on a variety of issues, or they get the feeling that a company just isn’t professional enough to deal with their problems and concerns in an effective matter.

Lack of proper Infrastructure and security are two really big reasons why your customers will start to look elsewhere. It’s absolutely critical to show them that you have the internal structure to support their growth and that you prioritize security. Nobody wants their personal information hacked, and lax security is synonymous with a lack of professionalism.

(v)WeCare knows the importance of security, which is why we limit admin rights, provide 24/7 monitoring and don’t allow our reps to access certain sites during work hours. Our customers know that we have both the proper infrastructure and security mechanisms in place and trust us with their sensitive data!

Don’t let the thought of customer leakage keep you up at night. Make sure that you retain your valuable customer base by addressing these five issues, and watch your company grow!  


  1. This blog makes complete sense. I am impressed by the simplicity with which the information is conveyed. call Center Services


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